27 January 2025
Alex Tweeddale, Cheqd
Andrew Dworschak, Yokoa
Andy Rosen, Sequence Key
Drummond Reed, Gen Digital
Eric Scouten, Adobe
Jeremy Uzan, Universal Music
John Phillips, Sezoo
Peleus Uhley, Adobe
Scott Perry, Digital Governance Institute
Victor Grey, JLINC
Meeting notes
This being the first APAC meeting, we all introduced ourselves to each other:
🎥 1'24": Eric Scouten, Adobe
🎥 1'56": Alex Tweeddale, Cheqd
🎥 2'23": Andrew Dworschak, Yokoa
🎥 3'07": Andy Rosen, Sequence Key
🎥 3'41": Victor Grey, JLINC
🎥 4'33": Jeremy Uzan, Universal Music
🎥 5'05": John Phillips, Sezoo
🎥 5'45": Peleus Uhley, Adobe
Recap of CAWG’s first year
🎥 6'59": Eric presented a recap of the work done so far by the Creator Assertions Working Group, including the C2PA data model and the identity assertion framework.
This recap is also available as a standalone video:
Demo of creds.xyz
🎥 1h00'20": Alex demonstrated creds.xyz, a product that aggregates credentials from various sources and creates verifiable presentations, exploring its potential integration with the identity assertion framework. The group agreed that creds.xyz performs a role that is very similar to that described by identity claims aggregation and to further explore a possible integration.
Review PR #207: Limit validity period for identity claims verifications
🎥 1h03'36": Reviewed PR #207.
Similar to the discussion in last week’s meeting, the group agreed that:
The proposal in PR 207 is too arbitrary and needs to be refined. Some identity signals may reasonably be held for longer times than others.
A possible answer is for the identity claims aggregator to provide information about its intended validation lifetime to:
The named actor at time of verification. (How long will this information be retained?)
The identity aggregation consumer at time of validation. (When will the ICA request a renewal?)