16 December 2024
Andy Rosen, Sequence Key
Brian McInnis, Long Tailed Leopard
Claudiu Cismaru, Adobe
Clement Hecquet, Digimarc
Daniel Zellmer, Noosphere Technologies
David Bigsby, Government of British Columbia
Drummond Reed, Gen Digital
Eric Scouten, Adobe
Hans Granqvist, Noosphere
Jeremy Uzan, Universal Music
Makki Elfatih, HKDolts
Nigel Earnshaw, BBC
Peleus Uhley, Adobe
Philippe Rixhon, JPEG Trust
Richard W. Kroon, EIDR
Slava Asipenko, Proof
Meeting notes
New members introduction
🎥 0'55": Brian McInnis, Long Tailed Leopard
🎥 27'24": Makki Elfatih, HKDolts
PR #203: Add verified identity method
🎥 2'27": Reviewed PR #203: Add optional method
field for describing the technique used to verify account/URI control.
PR #203 introduces a new section to add a method
field for identity claims aggregators. This field describes how verification of accounts or websites was performed, addressing concerns raised in a previous meeting about proving control over domains.
Verification Methods: The new section includes commonly used methods for domain and social media account verification. It is designed to be extensible, allowing for future methods to be added by identity claims aggregators. The spec, as currently drafted, allows identity claims aggregators to choose their verification methods. The new proposal emphasizes transparency in how verification is performed to ensure trust from content consumers.
Drummond Reed suggested using "URI verification" instead of "file verification" for clarity. Eric acknowledged the distinction between the method of verification and what is being verified, and agreed to consider the feedback.
ACTION: Eric to revise PR accordingly.
The group again discussed the possibility of adding verified e-mail as an identity signal, but came to the conclusion that this signal would not provide enough value and security to be worth documenting.
The group agreed to carry this PR forward to the next meeting.
Remove affiliation from identity claims aggregation?
🎥 28'08": Reviewed issue #181: Remove affiliation from identity claims aggregation?.
Proposal to Delete: Eric proposed deleting the organisational affiliations section from the spec, citing the lack of current use cases and methods for proving affiliation.
Group Discussion: The group discussed the potential importance of affiliations, with members highlighting various scenarios where affiliations could be valuable, such as in the music industry and professional credentials.
Decision to Retain: The group decided to retain the organisational affiliations section for future development, acknowledging its potential importance and the need for further exploration of verification methods.
ACTION (✅): Close issue #181 and leave affiliation in the spec.
Review levels of assurance discussion
🎥 42'06": Reviewed three issues related to levels of assurance:
Levels of Assurance: Eric suggested pushing the discussion on levels of assurance and NIST attribute bundles to a post-1.1 milestone. The group acknowledged the complexity of defining levels of assurance and agreed that it should be addressed in future versions of the spec.
ACTION (✅): Reassign the three issues above to post-1.1 milestone.
Review wallet workflow and presentation exchange issues
🎥 48'37": Reviewed two issues related to wallets and presentation exchange:
ACTION (✅): Reassign these two issues to post-1.1 milestone.
Meeting schedule adjustment
Eric announced the plan to move one meeting per month to the US Pacific afternoon to accommodate members in different time zones, particularly those in Australia and India.
Tentatively considering moving the 27 January instance to start at 5:00pm Pacific (Monday) / 0100 UTC (Tuesday). If that works well, we’ll continue the pattern.
Reminder that the next two Monday meetings are cancelled for holiday break. We’ll resume on 6 January 2025.