05 August 2024


  • Andreas Reich, TrustNXT

  • Andy Rosen

  • Christian Paquin, Microsoft

  • Drummond Reed, Gen Digital

  • Eric Scouten, Adobe

  • Gavin Peacock, Adobe

  • Karen Kilroy, FileBaby

  • Liviu Gheorghe, Adobe

  • Loren Hart, Noosphere Technologies

  • Michael Becker, Identity Praxis

  • Misha Deville, Vidos

  • Pamela Dingle, Microsoft

  • Paul England, Microsoft

  • Peleus Uhley, Adobe

  • Scott Perry, Digital Governance Institute

  • Tim Cappalli, Okta


Review previous action items

πŸŽ₯ 1'07": Review action items from previous meeting:

Identity assertion 1.0

Identity assertion 1.x (VC edition)

Identity 1.0 ratification vote POSTPONED

πŸŽ₯ 3'26": Late last week, we received a request to consider some new feedback and so the ratification vote is delayed until we can meet with the involved parties.

Open issues for identity 1.x

Review PR #159: Rename boundTo to c2paAsset and clarify some items

There was a lengthy discussion about alternatives for what to call the signer_payload entry within the asset-specific credential. Ultimately, the group zeroed in on the existing proposal to rename boundTo to c2paAsset.

ACTION (βœ…): Eric to merge PR 159 as is.

Review PR #162: Tweak wording of provider.name entry

ACTION: Eric to revise PR 162 to include some consideration of localization and possibly a definition of user-visible string.

Review issue #160: Determine structure for verifiedIdentities[?\].proof

ACTION: Liviu and Eric to do further coding / research work to describe what the proof data structure should look like in this case.

Review issue #155: Write section on proofs

πŸŽ₯ 32'26": Review issue #155: Write section on proofs.

Again, tentative agreement that we would should use only COSE signatures to secure the VCs.

ACTION: Pam to discuss with Microsoft engineering team and report back next week.

Review issue #64: Consider stronger timestamping mechanism than W3C VC requires

ACTION: Eric to explore whether we can reuse the COSE protected header mechanism for RFC 3161 timestamping in the VC approach.

Review issue #163: Does the approach taken in Β§8.1 change if issuer == named actor?

ACTION: Eric to reach out to Will Kreth to explore signature scenarios.