18 March 2024
Aditya Khurjekar, Prove
Andy Rosen
Carly Huitema, U of Guelph
Chris _, Verus
Christian Paquin, Microsoft
David Springgay, Microsoft
Edmond Cunningham, Arkeytyp
Eric Scouten, Adobe
Gavin Peacock, Adobe
Jesse Carter, CIRA
Judith Fleenor, Trust Over IP Foundation
Karen Kilroy, FileBaby
Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe
Lindsay Walker, Starling Labs
Lorie Groth, Digicert
Orson Weems, FileBaby
Paul England, Microsoft
Peleus Uhley, Adobe
Pia Blumenthal, Adobe
Will Kreth, HAND (Human & Digital) Identity
Wynne Kim, HAND (Human & Digital) Identity
5 min: Start meeting
Start recording
Welcome and community specification license reminder
Agenda review and call for agenda items
Notice of meeting cancellation
🎥 4'19": Two upcoming instances of this meeting will be cancelled:
15 April 2024 (I will be traveling to Internet Identity Workshop, as will several other participants)
13 May 2024 (I will be traveling to an internal Adobe event)
5 min: Action item update
🎥 4'43": From previous meeting, most items will carry over to this week:
Issue #41: Privacy when verifying VCs – Eric to call subgroup meeting. CARRY OVER.
Issue #42: Add a Slack or Discord channel for this group – DONE.
Issue #43: Create an e-mail list for this group’s discussions – NEXT ON AGENDA.
Issue #44: Review presentation with key binding – CARRY OVER.
Remaining issues to be covered later.
5 min: Discussion: e-mail list?
🎥 5'30": Looking for simple option for e-mail list. GitHub Discussions? Or … ?
Andy Rosen suggests Mailman. No other nominations.
10 min: Approval for two assertion definitions
🎥 6'58": MOTION: As per Community Specification License process §4: Specification development process, I move to promote the following two assertion specifications from draft to approved (version 1.0 final) status:
4.2. Draft. Each Pre-Draft document of a Working Group must first be Approved to become a “Draft Specification.” Once the Working Group approves a document as a Draft Specification, the Draft Specification becomes the basis for all going forward work on that specification.
4.3. Working Group Approval. Once a Working Group believes it has achieved the objectives for its specification as described in the Scope, it will Approve that Draft Specification and progress it to “Approved Specification” status.
🎥 11'51": DECISION: Approved.
The 1.0 final versions of these two specifications are published here:
10 min: Outstanding issue for endorsement assertion
🎥 12'02": DISCUSSION: There is one open issue for the endorsement assertion:
ACTION: Eric will review with Leonard and propose a wording tweak.
45 min: Review of open issues and PRs for identity 1.0
🎥 12'38": Review work in progress and proposals.
🎥 13'18": PR #78: Remove user experience section: DECISION: Approved. (Since merged.)
🎥 17'51": PR #77: Remove W3C VC concepts from terms and definitions section: DECISION: Approved. (Since merged.)
🎥 18'36": PR #76: Clarify usage of credential holder vs credential subject: DECISION: Approved. (Since merged.)
🎥 20'42": PR #75: Add top-level
map allowing more content to be signed by credential holder: ACTION: Scouten to revise based on feedback received over the weekend and in this meeting. -
🎥 32'55": PR #74: Allow additional credential mechanisms to be added in future 1.x versions: ACTION: Scouten to revise based on feedback received in this meeting.
🎥 40'31": PR #72: Emphasizing the use of REGISTERED spots in the advertising use case: DECISION: Defer to future meeting.
🎥 40'59": PR #71: Clarify wording regarding prohibition on identity assertion self-references: ACTION: Discussed but no clear outcome. Scouten to call for additional review before merging.
🎥 45'57": PR #70: Discourage interpretation of this assertion as conveying ownership: ACTION: Scouten to revise based on feedback received over the weekend.
🎥 48'03": Issue #67: Bidirectional binding of identity assertions and claims: ACTION: Paul England to propose a PR based on #75.
🎥 49'48": Issue #22: Define identity assertion trust model: ACTION: Scouten to propose a PR.
🎥 51'34": Issue #40: Review C2PA veracity scoring: DECISION: Closed. There’s no such concept as "C2PA veracity scoring."
🎥 52'29": PR #74: Allow additional credential mechanisms to be added in future 1.x versions (again): More discussion about how to address multiple credential types without breaking compatibility. No clear outcome; more to consider.
A new draft version of the specification including PRs 76, 77, and 78 is published here.