04 March 2024
Aditya Khurjekar, Prove
Andy Rosen
Carly Huitema, U of Guelph
Chris Staines, Arkeytyp
Christian Paquin, Microsoft
David Springgay, Microsoft
Drummond Reed, Gen Digital
Eric Scouten, Adobe
Gavin Peacock, Adobe
Jesse Carter, CIRA
Karen Kilroy, FileBaby
Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe
Lindsay Walker, Starling Labs
Michael Klein, Adobe
Orie Steele, Transmute
Paul England, Microsoft
Peleus Uhley, Adobe
Peter Carrescia, Confirm Identity
Pia Blumenthal, Adobe
Will Kreth, HAND (Human & Digital) Identity
Wynne Kim, HAND (Human & Digital) Identity
5 min: Start meeting
Start recording
Welcome and community specification license reminder
Agenda review and call for agenda items
5 min: New members introduction
🎥 2'39": New to this meeting:
Carly Huitema, U of Guelph
David Springgay, Microsoft
Paul England, Microsoft
2 min: Action item update
🎥 3'44": From previous meeting, most items will carry over to this week:
Issue #41: Privacy when verifying VCs – Eric to call subgroup meeting.
Issue #43: Create an e-mail list for this group’s discussions
Issue #44: Review presentation with key binding – discussed by Orie in meeting. Eric to follow up with Orie, Christian, and Riley.
10 min: Motion to approve draft status
🎥 4'21": MOTION: As per Community Specification License process §4: Specification development process, I submit the following three assertion specifications as candidate drafts and move to promote each document from pre-draft to draft status.
For these three assertions, I expect to move to Working Group Approval status fairly quickly (perhaps two weeks from now). If you are interested in the content of these specifications, please signal your availability to review the content. |
4.1. Pre-Draft. Any Participant may submit a proposed initial draft document as a candidate Draft Specification of that Working Group. The Maintainer will designate each submission as a “Pre-Draft” document.
4.2. Draft. Each Pre-Draft document of a Working Group must first be Approved to become a “Draft Specification.” Once the Working Group approves a document as a Draft Specification, the Draft Specification becomes the basis for all going forward work on that specification.
4.3. Working Group Approval. Once a Working Group believes it has achieved the objectives for its specification as described in the Scope, it will Approve that Draft Specification and progress it to “Approved Specification” status.
DECISION: Approved. I’ve since published new versions of these specifications that reflect draft status.
10 min: PR review: Create 1.0 draft of this specification without W3C VC discussion
🎥 6'57": Following up on last week’s discussion, review PR #59 which creates a 1.0-draft
version of this specification. In this version, the discussion of W3C VC credentials is removed except for a note stating that it will be added in a future version of the specification.
RELATED: PR #60 restores the discussion of W3C VC credentials from the previous working draft.
MOTION: Eric requests approval from the WG to merge PR #59 as draft of version 1.0 of the identity assertion specification.
MOTION: Eric requests approval from the WG to approve PR #60 as the working draft for a future (1.x) version identity assertion specification. While in working-draft status, this specification can be found on the site with the 1.x-add-w3c-vc
🎥 8'39": This led to a discussion about approval policy and code ownership.
DECISION: PRs should only be merged when two PR approvals have been given by group members (other than the original PR author) and an opportunity to discuss in a weekly meeting has occurred.
ACTION (DONE): PR #59, which creates a 1.0-draft
version of this specification, has one of the two required PR approvals. Please read and approve or request changes as you see fit. Post-meeting update: This has been twice approved and merged.
ACTION (DONE): PR #60, which creates a 1.x draft has changes requested. Scouten to review and revise accordingly. Post-meeting update: The PR has incorporated existing change requests. Re-review in 11 March meeting.
2 min: FYI: upcoming ICANN workshop presentation
🎥 12'20": Eric and Santiago Lyon will be presenting at ICANN79 on 6 March 2024, similar to ToIP presentation.
The presentation will be at 0915 US Pacific / 1215 US Eastern / 1715 UTC on Wednesday, 6 March. Details here: ICANN79: DNSSEC and Security Workshop.
X.509 EKU discussion
🎥 12'38": The group started reviewing open issues for the identity 1.0 milestone.
First discussion was around issue #21: Review C2PA spec for additional X.509 certificate adaptions that might be relevant.
ACTION (DONE): Scouten to draft a PR that:
Closes issue #21 and deletes related text in the draft specification.
Adds guidance that an identity assertion validator should maintain a trust list that is technically similar to the one for C2PA Manifest signatures, but disctint from that list.
Adds guidance that the planned C2PA trust list is not necessarily relevant for identity assertion validation.
Post-meeting update: PR #69 filed.
20 min: Domain trust anchor proposal
🎥 29'46": Christian Paquin presented a proposal for Web Domain Trust Anchor in the CAWG identity framework.
Lengthy discussion with a few key points to consider:
Is this really approachable for non-technical web site owners?
Is this unnecessarily re-inventing PKI discovery protocols?
ACTION: Eric and Christian to collaborate on a proof-of-concept and re-raise discussion when ready.
30 min: Review open issues for identity 1.0 milestone
🎥 29'46": Resumed discussion on the 13 open issues that were flagged as potentially relevant for the 1.0 version of the identity specification.
Issue #38: Attestation from C2PA 1.x: Closed as no longer relevant.
Issue #26: Describe credential holder’s role in relation to the asset: Extensive discussion and new related resources in the issue thread. Scouten to review.
Issue #32: Levels of assurance for subject credentials?: Moved to 1.x-add-vc milestone.